Online Courses


The following programs can be completed entirely online:

Many other programs offer online courses for a significant portion of the program requirements.

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Academic students

To view courses, visit the class search page 并选择“在线”或“虚拟”. Academic students have applied to and been accepted by 澳门真人赌博开户正规网址.

Training students

澳门真人赌博开户正规网址 offers online classes taught by local instructors in virtual and online formats. 澳门真人赌博开户正规网址 also provides online options through a network of qualified, 来自LERN和EdGo的国家教练. 要查看我们的在线课程, visit here and click on the topic you are interested in for a complete course description.

To register, contact the Corporate and Continuing Education Registration Office at 803.732.0432 or

What's the difference between academic programs and training programs?
只有学术课程提供大学学分, 转到四年制学院或大学, 并有资格获得联邦财政援助(FAFSA). Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months. 这些人没有资格获得联邦财政援助, but they may qualify for other scholarships and grant funds.

Types of Online Courses


Online courses: delivered via the internet and do not have a set daily class schedule. However, you will likely have regular deadlines you must meet each week during the semester.

Virtual courses: delivered online, through free, downloadable web conferencing software and allow you to see, hear, 并与你的导师进行实时交流. These courses meet at set times during the week, similar to a traditional on-campus class.

Hybrid courses: 特色校园和在线学习. 一些学习活动将在网上进行, but classes will meet on-campus on regularly scheduled days and times as well.​


Before registering for an online academic class for the first time, 你需要完成这篇短文, free, 和快速虚拟背包课程. 混合课程不需要, but we strongly recommend you complete it before registering for those courses. This short online course will help introduce you to the structure of online courses and give you some of the technical knowledge you will need to succeed in online classes. 一旦您被分配了一个D2L帐户, you will automatically be enrolled in the Virtual Backpack course and can access it by logging into D2L.

Are you a prospective 澳门真人赌博开户正规网址 student who is interested in taking online courses? Use the following credentials to demo the Virtual Backpack. Keep in mind that if you enroll at 澳门真人赌博开户正规网址 at a later date you will need to complete the Virtual Backpack under your own account prior to enrolling in online courses.

Demo login:


Every online and hybrid course at 澳门真钱赌城开户正规网址 has a Preregistration Information Page linked on the Class Search Registration page. This page includes information about each course such as technical requirements, orientation requirements, 校园/校外需求, etc.

There are many benefits to taking online and hybrid courses, 包括减少去校园的次数, flexible scheduling, 以及轻松的学习环境. However, keep in mind that online and hybrid courses demand that you be self-motivated and proactive. Also, online delivery does not mean the workload is less than a face-to-face course nor does it mean that there are no due dates or attendance requirements. There will be an assignment schedule to follow and instructors will verify attendance through the assigned online activities.

You must have access to reliable internet service to take online or hybrid courses. It is also imperative that you have basic computer skills, 比如浏览互联网, sending emails, using D2L Brightspace, and using common computer software such as Microsoft Word.

开学前四天, be sure to log into D2L Brightspace to access your course syllabi, assignments, 以及所有与课程相关的信息. Unless otherwise noted, it is very important to have the textbook and all required class materials by the first day of class.

请找到课程预注册页面 在这里搜索你的课程.

If you have any questions regarding your class, contact your instructor immediately.

If you are an otherwise qualified student with a documented disability, please contact Disability Services as soon as possible prior to the first day of class to request accommodations.

Student Complaints

In compliance with U.S. 美国教育部(USDOE)规定, an institution offering distance education must provide enrolled and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints in the student's state. Please visit the Student Complaints 有关学生申诉过程的信息.

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Take the first two years of your Bachelor's Degree at 澳门真人赌博开户正规网址 and save thousands.


澳门真人赌博开户正规网址 can save you $7,900 in your first year.


Total tuition and fees (most current data available as of June 2021). Source: U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings and "IPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview Public Academic Reporters."

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